SS 2023: Joanna Rostek
©Lichtbox Passau
SS 2023: Joanna Rostek
Joanna Rostek hat im Sommersemester 2023 die Käthe-Leichter-Gastprofessur inne. Die Gastprofessur ist dem Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik zugeordnet.
Joanna Rostek is Junior Professor of Anglophone Literature, Culture, and Media Studies at the University of Giessen, Germany. She holds a PhD in English Literature from the University of Passau and a venia legendi in English Literary and Cultural Studies from the University of Düsseldorf. She was moreover a visiting scholar at academic institutions in Scotland, Poland, and the US. Her research interests include English and Anglophone literatures, cultural studies, women’s and gender studies, transdisciplinary research, economic criticism, migration literature, and Brexit Britain. Joanna Rostek’s latest monograph, titled Women’s Economic Thought in the Romantic Age: Towards a Transdisciplinary Herstory of Economic Thought (Routledge, 2021), won the book award of the German Association for the Study of English (‘Habilitationspreis’) and the Suraj Mal and Shyama Devi Agarwal Book Prize awarded by the International Association for Feminist Economics. She is co-founder of the research network Methodologies of Economic Criticism (, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Deutsche Homepage:
Käthe-Leichter-Vorlesung von Joanna Rostek am 13.6.2023
Die Käthe-Leichter-Gastvorlesung im Sommersemester 2023 wird in Kooperation mit der Forschungsplattform GAIN organisiert.
Sie wird stattfinden am 13.6. von 18.15 bis 19.45 im Helene Richter Saal (Universitätscampus, Hof 8, Eingang 8.3, ebenerdig).
Joanna Rostek wird sprechen zum Thema: